Goldstone, Richard (1938- ; jurist) an entity of type: Person

Goldstone, Richard (1938- ; jurist) 
Goldstone, Richard J. 
Goldstone, R.J. 
#3#Geboortejaar 1938 vermeld in: The Kosovo report 
B9728811: mr. Judge at the Constitutional Court of South Africa, prosecuter of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in The Hague from July 1994 till July 1996 (in 3000 stond als geboortejaar *1937/38-*) 
geb. te Boksburg (Zuid-Afrika) 
internationale mensenrechten-jurist (studeerde rechten Witwatersrand University); gasthoogleraar internationale mensenrechten Harvard Law School 
Richard Goldstone 
xsd:gYear 1938 

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