Recycling of waste streams containing human and veterinary pharmaceuticals : an overview of technological developments and possible consequences for pharmaceutical releases into the environment / J.G.M. Derksen | C.T.A. Moermond | C.W.M. Bodar an entity of type: CreativeWork

Recycling of waste streams containing human and veterinary pharmaceuticals : an overview of technological developments and possible consequences for pharmaceutical releases into the environment / J.G.M. Derksen | C.T.A. Moermond | C.W.M. Bodar 
Dit onderzoek werd verricht in opdracht van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, in het kader van project M/250028; 'Beleidsadvisering geneesmiddelen' 
RIVM briefrapport 2015-0174 
Recycling of waste streams containing human and veterinary pharmaceuticals : an overview of technological developments and possible consequences for pharmaceutical releases into the environment 
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National Institute for Public Health and the Environment 

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