From raindrop to high flow event : modelling and reconstructing precipitation and flood frequency in the Maas catchment during the late Holocene / authors G.J. Venhuizen, prof. dr. J. Vandenberghe an entity of type: CreativeWork

From raindrop to high flow event : modelling and reconstructing precipitation and flood frequency in the Maas catchment during the late Holocene / authors G.J. Venhuizen, prof. dr. J. Vandenberghe 
KvR report number KvR 043/12. - Project (CS09; Modeling and reconstructing precipitation and flood frequency in the Meuse catchment during the late Holocene) was carried out in the framework of the Dutch National Reseach programme Climate changes Spatial Planning 
From raindrop to high flow event : modelling and reconstructing precipitation and flood frequency in the Maas catchment during the late Holocene 
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