Gysbrecht van Aemstel; treurspel. an entity of type: CreativeWork

Gysbreght van Aemstel 
Title-vignette: bee-hive with 2-line caption 
Some copies with additional gathering E: B. Ruloffs, Gezangen van de rei der klarissen 
Gysbrecht van Aemstel; treurspel. 
179208 - a1 *2 $w : a2 *5 n - b1 A n : b2 D5 $uw 
179208 - a1 *2 wa 
illustrations on title page 
typeface Roman 
typographical title page 
illustrations outside collation 
*`SUP`8`LO` A-C`SUP`8`LO` D`SUP`6`LO` [E]`SUP`2`LO` 

blank nodes

data from the linked data cloud