Alle de treurspelen. an entity of type: CreativeWork

Drama. Selection. Part 2 
Contains (plays in some copies in different order): J. van den Vondel, Faëton of Reuckelooze stoutheit; Idem, Salmoneus; Sofokles, Trachiniae, Dutch; Seneca, Phaedra, Dutch; Sofokles, Oedipus tyrannus, Dutch; Euripides, Phoenissae, Dutch; J. van den Vondel, Palamedes; Seneca, Troades, Dutch; Sofokles, Electra, Dutch; Euripides, Ifigenia in Tauris, Dutch; J. van den Vondel, Batavische gebroeders, of onderdruckte vryheit; Idem, Maeghden; Idem, Gysbreght van Aemstel; Idem, Maria Stuart, of gemartelde majesteit; Idem, Zunchin of ondergang der Sineesche heerschappye; Idem, Leeuwendalers 
Alle de treurspelen. 
171904 - a1 2* $ : a2 2*3 itw 
engraved title page 
illustrations on title page 
illustrations within collation 
printer's device 
typeface Roman 
typographical title page 
illustrations outside collation 
[*]`SUP`4`LO` 2*`SUP`4`LO` and 16 separately entered plays in various editions 

blank nodes

data from the linked data cloud