Naauwkeurige beschryving der aardgewassen. an entity of type: CreativeWork

Half-title and engraved title-page: Nauwkeurige beschryving der aardgewassen 
1st edition 
Naauwkeurige beschryving der aardgewassen. 
169602 - a1 *2 ijd : a2 5*2 borescens$r - b1 A d : b2 3X n$ 
engraved title page 
illustrations on title page 
illustrations within collation 
printer's device 
title page in different colours 
typeface Roman 
typographical title page 
illustrations outside collation 
*`SUP`6`LO` 2*-4*`SUP`4`LO` 5*`SUP`2`LO` A-2R`SUP`4`LO` χ1 2S-3V`SUP`4`LO` 3X`SUP`2`LO` (3X2 blank) 

blank nodes

data from the linked data cloud