"en" . . "Measuring transit-oriented development (TOD) at regional and local scales : a planning support tool" . . . . _:B972726b8be45ad4d009c4099aecf1ba8 . . "Measuring transit-oriented development (TOD) at regional and local scales : a planning support tool / Yamini Jain Singh" . . . "Proefschrift Universiteit Twente, Enschede ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in het jaar 2015" . . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 . . "9789036539982" . . . . . "Prof. Dr. Ir. Martin van Maarseveen (Promotor), Dr. Ir. Martin van Maarseveen (Co-Promotor), Dr. Johannes Flacke (Co-Promotor)" . "152"^^ . _:B4f1d859d15d3252b1774c55dd50cc5ad "Enschede" . _:B4f1d859d15d3252b1774c55dd50cc5ad . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 "2021-10-11"^^ . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 "2016-06-29"^^ . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 "40522642X" . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 . _:B8945a18fba2c98c3e1b32eacc62aeba7 . _:B4794a015609457ece039fc278f2b7cc8 "University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC)" . _:B4794a015609457ece039fc278f2b7cc8 . _:B972726b8be45ad4d009c4099aecf1ba8 _:B4f1d859d15d3252b1774c55dd50cc5ad . _:B972726b8be45ad4d009c4099aecf1ba8 "2015"^^ . _:B972726b8be45ad4d009c4099aecf1ba8 _:B4794a015609457ece039fc278f2b7cc8 .